Keyword Album: police brutality
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 100 items
The Annals of Woke Progress
Date: 03/02/2022
Views: 14121
Keywords: Affirmative action, woke, tokenism, quarters, laid off, unemployment, transgender, LGBTQ, black, African-American, police, cop, police brutality, pollution, feminism, identity politics, bisexual, congressmen, poverty, homelessness
Your Values Are What You Do, Not What You Say
Date: 09/27/2021
Views: 9086
Keywords: philosophy, police brutality, cop, drones, values, border guards, Haitian refugees, Del Rio, Texas, migrants, border crisis
Cops to People: We Quit. People to Cops: Good.
Date: 06/23/2021
Views: 9602
Keywords: Police brutality, Black Lives Matter, violence, appreciation, appreciate, mass resignation, quick, Portland, Oregon, cops, protest, crowd control unit
Protect and Serve
Date: 04/07/2021
Views: 6736
Back to Normal
Date: 10/01/2020
Views: 8719
Keywords: Normality, police brutality, Black Lives Matter, racism, healthcare, affordable care act, medical, health insurance, militarism, war, bombing, Afghanistan, President Biden, brunch, oblivious
Revolution via Zoom
Date: 06/17/2020
Views: 10226
Keywords: Zoom, Black Lives Matter, BLM, zoom, social distancing, COVID-19, coronavirus, protests, marches, demonstrations, justice, peace, police brutality, in real life, IRL, racist abuse, neglect, technology, virtual
Cops Kill White People Too
Date: 06/15/2020
Views: 6710
Responding to Protests against Police Brutality with Police Brutality
Date: 06/10/2020
Views: 5383
The System Isn't Broken. We Need a New System.
Date: 08/07/2019
Views: 5824