Keyword Album: moon
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 19 items
Date: 11/23/2022
Views: 1349
They Can Have Our Trains
Date: 04/05/2024
Views: 6617
Keywords: railway, moon, defense department, northrop grumman, darpa, space, exploration, railroad, trains, subway, new york city, subway crime, infrastructure
Maybe We Can Use Her Incompetence
Date: 06/09/2021
Views: 11512
Keywords: Kamala Harris, border crisis, Mexico border, mess, Joe Biden, vice President, voter suppression laws, space program, moon, militarism, war, in cartons
If Previous Presidents Reacted to Crises the Way Biden Is to the Covid Economic Crash
Date: 02/03/2021
Views: 15485
Keywords: Joe Biden, economic stimulus, coronavirus, COVID-19, economy, FDR, pearlharbor, WWII, Honolulu local police, Abraham Lincoln, senate, gridlock, succession, pisser, soviets, Soviet union, moon, moon shot, space program, space race, JFK, John F Kennedy, Tul
Crazy with Grief for RBG
Date: 10/03/2020
Views: 4075
Jeffrey Epstein Shows That Conspiracies Just Aren't What They Used To Be
Date: 08/19/2019
Views: 10896
Keywords: Counterpoint, covert, secret, trilateral commission, conspiracy, cabal, world, budget cuts, layoffs, derpy millennials, Jeffrey Epstein, Fidel Castro, John F. Kennedy, JFK, suicide, sex scandal, 9/11 attacks, moonlanding, Salvador Allende, Osama bin Laden
"Jobbymoons" For The Rest of Us
Date: 06/22/2018
Views: 13103
Keywords: New York Times, elitism, vacations, travel, money, college financial aid, honeymoon, jobbymoon, babymoon, Ageism, age discrimination, layoffs, police brutality, racism, racial profiling
Another Reason Your Cellphone Service Sucks
Date: 03/01/2018
Views: 5856
Keywords: SpaceX, Vodaphone, moon, cell phones, cellphones, phone, reception, 4G, cellular, Maine, space, tech, technology
Date: 02/27/2017
Views: 8077