Keyword Album: Theory
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 15 items
Donald Sterling, Radical Deconstructionist
Date: 04/29/2014
Views: 9008
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, Donald Sterling, basketball, racism, NBA, Los Angeles Clippers, philosophy, theory, metaphsyics, postmodernism, public relations
Theoretical Democrats
Date: 12/23/2013
Views: 7270
More Communism, Republican Style
Date: 09/29/2011
Views: 9969
Keywords: Tom Cruise, Dictatorship of the Proletariat, Mulligan, Dialectical Materialism, Tip, Theory of Surplus Value, GOP, Republicans, Marxist Jargon, Class War, Roman Characteristics, Mao, Tea Party
Demand-Based Pricing
Date: 08/07/1995
Views: 10254
Keywords: Supply-Side Economics, Capitalism, Theory, Diner, Restaurant, Waiter, Vanilla Shake, Cheeseburger, Breakfast, Desire, Consumerism, Bluffing
Date: 09/28/2006
Views: 6736
Keywords: Theoresentful, Theory, Theoretical, Fight, Argument, Fighting, Bickering, Relationships, Writer, Writers, Manbot, Miserable, Ego, Egotism, Faith
Large Hadron Collider
Date: 04/05/2008
Views: 7577
Keywords: Large Hadron Collider, Particle Accelerator, Physics, Protons, Big Bang, String Theory, Strangelet, Black Hole, Atoms, Tom Kean, Commission, Blue Ribbon Panel, 9/11 Commission, Movie, Graphic Novel