Keyword Album: N
Date: 03/19/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 6673 items
Biden's "Defense": I'm Not Racist, I'm Inept
Date: 03/22/2021
Views: 13022
Keywords: Racism, racist, inept, incompetent, incompetence, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, jail, prison, ICE, immigration and customs enforcement, customs and border protection, illegal immigration, illegal aliens, undocumented workers
How You Can Survive on $1400
Date: 03/24/2021
Views: 11749
Keywords: Stimulus bill, stimulus package, Joe Biden stimulus, foamcore, cat food, $1400, back rent, lockdown, COVID-19, coronavirus, medical bills, healthcare
Parting Shot
Date: 03/26/2021
Views: 11263
Keywords: COVID-19, climate change, global warming, haze, weather, social distancing, socializing, traveling, partying, shower, clothing, covid vaccine, Jackpot
Kids in Cages: under New Management
Date: 03/15/2021
Views: 9438
To Err Is Human, to Mess up Big-Time Is Democratic
Date: 03/17/2021
Views: 8016
Stop Blocking Our Theoretical Legislation
Date: 03/19/2021
Views: 9505
If Anyone Else Had Done This, Bombs Would Be Raining down
Date: 03/08/2021
Views: 9092
Keywords: Saudi Arabia, Washington post, Syria, dismemberment, assassination, Joe Biden, weakness, Jamal Khashoggi, chopped up, fiancé, war, act of war, launch codes, first pet, Norad, nuclear, floral bouquet
True Horror, Courtesy of the Cabinet of Dr. Biden
Date: 03/10/2021
Views: 11595
Keywords: Joe Manchin, West Virginia, Joe Biden, medical, hospital, euthanasia, means testing, rich, Pete Buttigieg, Janet Yellen, Congress, cabinet, coronavirus, COVID-19, stimulus bill
Are Texans Crazy As Anti-Immigration Foxes?
Date: 03/12/2021
Views: 11240
Keywords: Texas, COVID-19, coronavirus, mask, mask mandate, illegal immigration, crazy, Mandy, secret agenda, Greg Abbott, Governor