Keyword Album: reason
Date: 02/01/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 14 items
When the Lunatic Becomes the Voice of Sanity
Date: 02/02/2024
Views: 7181
Keywords: Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia, ceasefire, reason, Israel, Hamas, Gaza, Palestinian conflict, Jamal Khashoggi, gold, LIVGolf, Line City, straight line city, architecture, two-state solution, desert
In Case of Fascism
Date: 01/29/2024
Views: 5313
Keywords: Ron DeSantis, endorsement, endorse, Donald Trump, corrupt, incompetent, stupid, treasonous, crazy, dishonest, senile, out-of-touch, New Hampshire
Don't Hate Me Just Because I'm a Traitor
Date: 06/30/2021
Views: 7368
Keywords: Afghanistan, military, Laos, Hmong, translators, fixers, Taliban, treason, traitors, Judas, pieces of silver
Lost in the Supermarket
Date: 05/17/2021
Views: 12341
Keywords: CDC, Centers for Disease Control, rationality, reason, honor system, COVID-19, coronavirus, facemask, social distancing, make America great again, Trump, patriot, global warming, climate change, cold, grocery store, supermarket
Hillary and the NSA, Sitting in a Tree
Date: 03/05/2015
Views: 11424
Keywords: NSA, emails, Hillary Clinton, emailgate, Secretary of State, State Department, Federal Records Act, Edward Snowden, National Security Agency, treason, terrorism, Tiffany's, credit, gift certificate, records, USA-PAtriot Act
Et Tu, Doggies?
Date: 09/23/2014
Views: 11780
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, California, Jerry Brown, Newfoundlands, dogs, endorsements, Republicans, treason, Winslow, Newsome
Know Your Level
Date: 08/02/2013
Views: 12649
Keywords: PFC Bradley Manning, Iraqi civilians, WikiLeaks, Jullian Assangem, heroism, traitor, treason, Adolf Hitler, Paris, heirarchy, militarism, justice, privacy, torture, transparency, World War II, leaks
Back to 2008
Date: 09/03/2012
Views: 9697
Keywords: Mitt Romney, GOP, Republican Administration, hope and change, education, projection, self-delusion, poster, living room, reasonable, Tea Party, Paul Ryan, smart, left, liberalism
Nuts for America
Date: 09/12/1995
Views: 11712
Keywords: Pat Buchanan, Conservatism, Nationalism, Selling Out to Corporations, Armenians, NAFTA, GATT, China, Richard Nixon, Zeus, Treason, Sanity