Keyword Album: Covid-19
Date: 03/04/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 162 items
How to Talk to an Anti-Vaxxer
Date: 09/20/2021
Views: 6631
Catch 72
Date: 08/20/2021
Views: 7931
I Know Why They Don't Know
Date: 08/13/2021
Views: 14027
Keywords: Soviet union, USSR, Cold War, weapons of mass destruction, Iraq war, Anthony Fauci, masks, truth, mRNA vaccine, coronavirus, talking down, liberals, science, stupidity, stupid, COVID-19, deintellectualization
The Civil War Over Vaccines
Date: 08/11/2021
Views: 12416
Keywords: CIS, trans, gender politics, feminism, evangelical, Donald Trump, tea party, relationships, love, divisions, divisiveness, vaccinations, coronavirus vaccination, COVID-19 vaccination, vaccines, prison, GED, Harvard, Yale
Getting Rid of an Important Incentive
Date: 08/02/2021
Views: 7273
From the Same People Who Brought You WMDs
Date: 07/28/2021
Views: 7835
Keywords: Fox News, media, journalism, new and improved, coronavirus, COVID-19, misinformation, disinformation, believe, credibility, belief
The Delta Variant
Date: 07/05/2021
Views: 7634
Keywords: Delta variant, COVID-19, coronavirus, confusion, CDC, mask, restaurant, waiter, waitress, clearly, vaccinated, not vaccinated
Liberals Ignore Science Too
Date: 06/02/2021
Views: 9715
Keywords: Superstition, Aztec, Mayan, human sacrifice, mask, face mask, uncomfortable, meteorology, religion, CDC, COVID-19, coronavirus
Happy V-C Day
Date: 05/26/2021
Views: 9591
Keywords: COVID-19, coronavirus, pandemic, social norms, facemasks, special badges, vaccine passport, nude face, vaccinations, vaccines, anti-vaccine