Keyword Album: Kamala Harris
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 72 items
Blame He Who Must Be Named
Date: 09/04/2021
Views: 7542
Maybe We Can Use Her Incompetence
Date: 06/09/2021
Views: 11512
Keywords: Kamala Harris, border crisis, Mexico border, mess, Joe Biden, vice President, voter suppression laws, space program, moon, militarism, war, in cartons
Hold Them Accountable in 2040
Date: 05/31/2021
Views: 13139
Keywords: Minimum wage, public option, healthcare, ACA, affordable care act, Obamacare, angry, progressives, sell out, sold out, Joe Biden, get away, Kamala Harris, two party system, two party trap, accountability
Godzilla Has the Right to Defend Himself
Date: 05/24/2021
Views: 9529
Keywords: Godzilla, monster movie, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Bambi, Godzilla versus Bambi, Hamas, Palestinians, Israel, Middle East conflict, disparity of strength
Let the Reparations Begin
Date: 03/31/2021
Views: 9920
Joe Biden, Empathizer in Chief!
Date: 03/05/2021
Views: 11487
Keywords: Bill Clinton, lip biting, biting lips, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, COVID-19, infections, business closures, vaccine, coronavirus, sympathy, inaction
Penguin Awareness Day
Date: 01/08/2021
Views: 9255
When Your First Term Is Going to Be Your Last
Date: 11/30/2020
Views: 9580
Keywords: Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, oval office, boo, scary, scared, heart attack, senility, dementia, aging, vice presidential succession
President Skeletor is My Co-Pilot
Date: 11/16/2020
Views: 8006
Keywords: Elderly, senility, Alzheimer's, senile, pilot, airplane, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Skeletor, spazz, Captain Joe, WTF