Keyword Album: president
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 643 items
Blame He Who Must Be Named
Date: 09/04/2021
Views: 7542
Maybe We Can Use Her Incompetence
Date: 06/09/2021
Views: 11512
Keywords: Kamala Harris, border crisis, Mexico border, mess, Joe Biden, vice President, voter suppression laws, space program, moon, militarism, war, in cartons
Why Derek Chauvin Was Charged in the First Place
Date: 05/03/2021
Views: 8595
What's the Motivation, Kenneth?
Date: 12/18/2020
Views: 12343
Keywords: Concession, transition, 2020 presidential election, narcissism, psychology, Raven and beast, jail, prison, psychosis, egotist, motivation, martial law, coup d'état, stay home
When Your First Term Is Going to Be Your Last
Date: 11/30/2020
Views: 9580
Keywords: Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, oval office, boo, scary, scared, heart attack, senility, dementia, aging, vice presidential succession
Ask Not What Your Country Can Do for You
Date: 11/24/2020
Views: 10398
Keywords: President Skeletor, Joe Biden, inauguration, Mitch McConnell, JFK, John F Kennedy, Barack Obama, Jill Biden, Hillary Clinton, John Roberts, Supreme Court, inaugural ceremony, obstructionism
If Trump Launches a Coup D'état to Try to Stay in Power
Date: 11/23/2020
Views: 10194
Keywords: Coup d'état, disputed election, 2020 presidential election, checkpoint, Marshal law, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, democracy, resistance, 9 mm bullets, pink pussy hats
Where Were You When Joe Biden Made History?
Date: 11/09/2020
Views: 5491
Keywords: Joe Biden, naptime, dementia, Alzheimer's, nap time, Jill Biden, bedroom, drool, 2020 presidential election victory, old, elderly
There's Got To Be a Morning After
Date: 11/04/2020
Views: 7399