Keyword Album: Democrats
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 307 items
It's Different When Democrats Deport
Date: 11/03/2021
Views: 12327
Keywords: Immigration policy, border crisis, US Mexico border, drug cartel, murderers, means well, Democrats, border and customs enforcement guns, children, kids in cages, remain in Mexico policy, deportations
We Will Keep Fighting for Your Right to Vote for Us
Date: 11/05/2021
Views: 8259
The Difference between Democrats and Republicans Equals Zero
Date: 10/22/2021
Views: 17805
Keywords: duopoly, Democrats, Republicans, by partisanship, Congress, defense spending, military spending, war, globalization, protectionism, exporting jobs overseas, NSA, national security agency, torture, drones, mass deportation, border crisis, healthcare
Democratic Arithmetic
Date: 10/06/2021
Views: 9555
Keywords: Democrats, Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema, West Virginia, Arizona, infrastructure spending bills, progressives, centrist, Congress, House of Representatives, Senate
Republican Obstruction Will End Itself
Date: 08/06/2021
Views: 10803
But What If I Can't Vote in the First Place?
Date: 07/23/2021
Views: 10543
Magical Thinking, Democratic Style
Date: 06/14/2021
Views: 8934
Can't Vote/Why Vote?
Date: 06/11/2021
Views: 15648
Keywords: Voter ID Laws, Voter Suppression, Republicans, GOP, Police, Checkpoint, Minimum Wage, Healthcare, Public Option, Burger Worker, Democrats, Sell out
Democrats Fight the Evil Republicans
Date: 06/07/2021
Views: 7624