Keyword Album: cis
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 427 items
In Capitalism, Workers Lose Even When They Gain
Date: 02/25/2022
Views: 10078
Keywords: Economy, working, working class, shopping, burger, grocery store, supermarket, inflation, racist, salaries, wages
Censorship | Not Censorship
Date: 02/07/2022
Views: 9229
Keywords: Simon & Schuster, James Kennedy O'Toole, Confederacy of dunces, censorship, banning, banned books, art Spiegelman, graphic novel, holocaust, Maus, fascism, Tennessee, school board, curriculum, rejection
Rather Have Trump
Date: 01/14/2022
Views: 6127
Love, American Racist Style
Date: 12/17/2021
Views: 9546
Fun for the Whole Country! Race Trial!
Date: 12/01/2021
Views: 16291
Keywords: Race trial, racism, Kyle Rittenhouse, OJ Simpson, media feeding frenzy, T-shirt, death to the killer, free the innocent hero, legal experts, Utah, jury selection, local law, judge, cable TV news, journalism, bias, hand grenade, self-defense, verdictRace t
Diversity Does Not Include Class
Date: 10/08/2021
Views: 10384
Keywords: The New Yorker, magazines, journalism, cis, trans, identity politics, tokenism, Asian, Stanford university journalism school, Columbia university journalism school, Scarsdale, Beverly Hills, NYU journalism school UC Berkeley journalism school.
The Civil War Over Vaccines
Date: 08/11/2021
Views: 12904
Keywords: CIS, trans, gender politics, feminism, evangelical, Donald Trump, tea party, relationships, love, divisions, divisiveness, vaccinations, coronavirus vaccination, COVID-19 vaccination, vaccines, prison, GED, Harvard, Yale
But What If I Can't Vote in the First Place?
Date: 07/23/2021
Views: 10543
Critical Race Theory Educational Traffic Stop
Date: 07/07/2021
Views: 8971