Keyword Album: adult
Date: 12/26/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 22 items
Some Exceptions May Apply
Date: 07/01/2024
Views: 8017
Keywords: Ten Commandments, Bible, money, pop stars, 10 Commandments, Louisiana, separation of church and state, cursing, sabbath, sports, consumerism, shopping, nursing homes, elderly, murder, capital punishment, militarism, police, adultery, polycule, capitalism
Old Enough to Kill, Too Young to Protest
Date: 05/13/2024
Views: 5055
Date: 09/04/2019
Views: 3049
Adult Crime, Not Adult Logic
Date: 12/24/2021
Views: 9789
Keywords: Military, military recruiter, youth, young, trying children as adults, juvenile justice system, voting, voting age, mature, drinking age, alcohol, age, age discrimination
Child Crime, Child Time
Date: 12/15/2021
Views: 8287
Keywords: Juvenile justice, trying child as adult, school shooting, Michigan shooting, prosecutorial misconduct, children's rights, dinosaur theft, grown man, getaway car, immature, childlike, childish, consequences
Adult Crime, Childish Thinking Time
Date: 12/08/2021
Views: 11892
Keywords: Ethan crumbley, oxford, Michigan, high school shooting, guns, violence, legal, law, prosecute, juvenile justice, trying as adult, pretend, pretending, present, Taliban, Afghanistan, nuclear weapons, nuclear, atomic bomb, insanity defense, crazy, prosecuti
Date: 09/04/2019
Views: 6362
We Take Away Rights From Children, Never Grant New Ones
Date: 11/27/2019
Views: 6446
Keywords: prosecutors, children, child, adult, law and order, crime and punishment, driving, car, automobile, drinking, alcohol
Lame Childhood Dreams
Date: 11/29/2019
Views: 10407
Keywords: Adulthood, selling out, sell out, childhood, dreams, occupation, jobs, policeman, harasses, violations, insurance company, healthcare, claim denial, president, incrementalism, artificial intelligence, AI, unemployment