Keyword Album: mass shootings
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 21 items
Good Uses for Red Flag Laws
Date: 06/08/2022
Views: 10796
Keywords: Red flag law, mass shootings, gun violence, Alzheimer's, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, White House, oval office, police, mental illness, dementia, Taiwan, Ukraine, nuclear launch codes, World War III
Get Rid of the Guns and Send Them to Ukraine
Date: 06/06/2022
Views: 7895
Keywords: Arms sales, Joe Biden, Uvalve Texas shooting, weapons, Ukraine, war, military, arm Steeler, weapons sales, military hardware, weapons proliferation, school shootings, mass shootings
All-Purpose Post-Mass Shooting Cartoon
Date: 05/30/2022
Views: 6954
We Come in Peace
Date: 05/27/2022
Views: 12412
Keywords: Ukraine, Russia, war, militarism, Somalia, troops, soldiers, bin Laden, assassination, fund the police, Joe Biden, violence, mass shootings, gun violence
A Breakdown in Process
Date: 12/22/2021
Views: 9554
Keywords: Afghanistan, drone strike, drone killing, Kabul, Pentagon, John Kirby, accountability, breakdown, process, execution, procedural events, jargon, spin, propaganda, mass shootings
Date: 08/08/2019
Views: 8788
Date: 08/08/2019
Views: 11767
Keywords: WhoWhatWhy, Assault rifles, AR 15, NRA, gun rights, second amendment, constitutional rights, holes, toy, firing range, guns, Dayton, El Paso, mass shootings, invasion, resistance, anger, rage, Belgians, fantasies
Don't Worry, the Government Will only Use Their New Anti-Mass Shooting to Suppress Us
Date: 08/14/2019
Views: 6775
Keywords: Terrorism, domestic terrorism, mass shootings, Dayton, Rod Rosenstein, El Paso, Donald Trump, NSA, Edward Snowden, CIA, preemptive spying, domestic surveillance
Can We Blame Moderate Politics for the Next Mass Shooting?
Date: 08/12/2019
Views: 10540
Keywords: Media, liberals, journalism, punditry, conservatives, Bernie Sanders, freak, Dayton, El Paso, mass shootings, Rachel Maddow, Fox News, MSNBC, 8Chan, manifesto, moderate, centrist, swing voter, bipolar, boring, Miami Dophins, wacko