Keyword Album: high school
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 25 items
No Tattle-Tailing on Trans
Date: 05/31/2023
Views: 8161
Keywords: Transitioning, LGBTQIA+, sexual identity, daughter, son, education, high school, school, rules, teachers, parents, parents rights
Student Loan Lenders Are Predatory
Date: 12/27/2021
Views: 9235
Keywords: Colleges, universities, student loans, marching band, sex, high school, barber, personal, mom, student loan agreement, initial, bursar, student loan industry, default, collateral, irresponsibility
Adult Crime, Childish Thinking Time
Date: 12/08/2021
Views: 13645
Keywords: Ethan crumbley, oxford, Michigan, high school shooting, guns, violence, legal, law, prosecute, juvenile justice, trying as adult, pretend, pretending, present, Taliban, Afghanistan, nuclear weapons, nuclear, atomic bomb, insanity defense, crazy, prosecuti
Here's the Weird Anti-Terrorist Trash Talk That Stayed on Donald Trump's Cutting Room Floor After the Manchester Attack
Date: 05/26/2017
Views: 10330
Keywords: Evil losers, ISIS, Manchester terrorist attack, middle school, trash talk, Donald Trump, rhetoric, infantile, dorks, fatties, insults, fags, Rosie O'Donnell, dummies, nerds, junior high school, spazzes, dweebs, suck
Middle School Politics
Date: 09/26/2014
Views: 7651
Keywords: John Boehner, Democrat slur, Democratic, boner, ISIS, ISIL, bullying, namecalling, Myamnar, Burma, junior high school, Rush Limbaugh, Obama, Biden
The Culture of Knife Violence
Date: 04/10/2014
Views: 10118
Keywords: Franklin Regional Senior High School, Murrysville, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, knives, NKA, NRA, gun rights, stabbing, background checks, Brady Law, cutlery lobby, Gunther Wilhelm, gun control, video games, violence, culture of violence, Obama
Less Than Zero
Date: 09/28/2012
Views: 7666
Newt Gets a Vote
Date: 01/29/2012
Views: 10447
Keywords: Mitt Romney, Tax Returns, Wealth, Class Warfare, Carried Interest Deduction, 2012 presidential campaign, High School, Sweetheart, Living Room, Computer, Form 1040, Cayman Islands, Slavery, Organs
Backpack Searches
Date: 11/01/2011
Views: 6846