Keyword Album: personal
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 30 items
Student Loan Lenders Are Predatory
Date: 12/27/2021
Views: 9235
Keywords: Colleges, universities, student loans, marching band, sex, high school, barber, personal, mom, student loan agreement, initial, bursar, student loan industry, default, collateral, irresponsibility
Date: 11/21/2019
Views: 9240
What Do You Do When You're Caring For Someone with Alzheimer's?
Date: 06/07/2019
Views: 6641
Keywords: Assisted living, assisted care, Alzheimer's, dementia, aging, elderly, mom, French, confusion, confused, caregiver, dilemma, personal.
Who's the Real Hero? Not the Person Who Enlists in America's Murderous Military
Date: 02/08/2019
Views: 7227
Keywords: liberalism, military, militarism, war, personal, poverty, economic opportunity, hillbilly elegy, mcdonald's, burger flipper, $9.66, ethics
Take It From Me: Who Uses Your Bathroom Is So Not a Big Deal
Date: 03/02/2017
Views: 8031
Keywords: bathroom bill, transgender rights, restroom, Trump, LGBT, Columbia University, dorm, coeducation, John Jay Hall, summer session, personal experience, stalls
The Pope Code
Date: 12/26/2013
Views: 13108
Keywords: socialism, capitalism, economics, Catholic Church, Pope Francis I, communism, klavern, KKK, kiddie porn, free markets, nationalism, pope code, greed, consumerism, trickle-down economics, materialism, earring, Soviet Union, cult of personality, Cayman Isla
Sybil Obama
Date: 07/29/2013
Views: 9600
Keywords: Sybil, split personality, schizophrenia, Obama, drones, speeches, immigration reform, deportations, banksters, bailouts, banks
College Debt Class
Date: 04/09/2013
Views: 14362
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, education, teacher, classroom, California, college, student loan debt, Starbucks, jobs, unemployment, underemployment, personal finance class
January 20, 2009 Redux
Date: 10/10/2011
Views: 10807
Keywords: George W. Bush, Personality Transfer, Barack Obama, White House, Bathroom, Double Flushers, Star Trek, Texas, Unemployment, Foreclosures, Drone Bombs