Keyword Album: race
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 151 items
Date: 06/20/2019
Views: 5124
Keywords: Sputnik news, Joe Biden, Democratic Party, 2020 presidential campaign, segregation, racism, lynching, race relations, racial, kick, chair, rope
Great Replacement
Date: 06/15/2022
Views: 9240
Keywords: Great replacement theory, demographics, racism, race, black, white, mess, homelessness, Donald Trump, gas prices, pollution, war
Woe Befall the Linguistic Interloper
Date: 04/25/2022
Views: 7536
Keywords: N-word, demographics, racism, race, privilege, white, black, African-American, linguistic interloper, P-word, empowerment, history, language
Fun for the Whole Country! Race Trial!
Date: 12/01/2021
Views: 16343
Keywords: Race trial, racism, Kyle Rittenhouse, OJ Simpson, media feeding frenzy, T-shirt, death to the killer, free the innocent hero, legal experts, Utah, jury selection, local law, judge, cable TV news, journalism, bias, hand grenade, self-defense, verdictRace t
The Politics of Infinitesimality
Date: 11/08/2021
Views: 7991
Critical Race Theory Educational Traffic Stop
Date: 07/07/2021
Views: 8997
If Previous Presidents Reacted to Crises the Way Biden Is to the Covid Economic Crash
Date: 02/03/2021
Views: 15523
Keywords: Joe Biden, economic stimulus, coronavirus, COVID-19, economy, FDR, pearlharbor, WWII, Honolulu local police, Abraham Lincoln, senate, gridlock, succession, pisser, soviets, Soviet union, moon, moon shot, space program, space race, JFK, John F Kennedy, Tul
Date: 10/22/2019
Views: 9626
Keywords: Lynching, Donald Trump, impeachment inquiry, billionaire, removal from office, Twitter, racism, KKK, Ku Klux Klan, race relations, Sputnik News
Date: 06/20/2019
Views: 8359
Keywords: Sputnik news, Joe Biden, Democratic Party, 2020 presidential campaign, segregation, racism, lynching, race relations, racial, kick, chair, rope