Keyword Album: metal
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 8 items
Another Epic Battle of Big Ideas
Date: 05/05/2023
Views: 8252
Keywords: 2024 presidential campaign, two party trap, federalism, republicanism, union, slavery, confederacy, gold, standard, bimetallism, Williams Jennings Bryan, isolationism, imperialism, empire, personal freedom, common good, Safetynet, conservatism, protection
But Where Does Electricity Come from?
Date: 04/26/2023
Views: 5756
Keywords: Electric cars, Tesla, environment, climate, change, global, warming, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, e-car, toxic chemicals, environmental collapse, electric car batteries, heavy metals
Hero or Zero? Depends Where It Happened.
Date: 06/17/2022
Views: 7906
Keywords: Heroism, militarism, war, warfare, violence, mass shootings, mass violence, gun violence, War zone, hero, Joe Biden, metal, maniac, shooter, young white male
Date: 07/27/2012
Views: 9983
Keywords: Walking Dead, TV, apathy, drone attacks, Obama, maniac, Aurora, Colorado, shooting spree, American exceptionalism, gun control laws, movie metal detectors, murder, crime and punishment, law and order, zombie show
Back to School '95
Date: 08/16/1995
Views: 14199
Keywords: Eighties Retro, Nostalgia, Fashion, 1980s Retro, Power Tie, Dead Commodities Trader, Madonna, Music, Pop Culture, Condoms, HIV/AIDS, Baseball Caps, Faux Pas, School Metal Detector, Education, High School
Who's Gonna Win?
Date: 08/26/2000
Views: 10245
Keywords: game shows, fresno, melanie, cpa, brad, gay, botanist, grudge, television, tv, frank, terrorist, metalhead, rachel, sex, breasts, kill
Job Hunting in the Not-So-Great Depression
Date: 06/26/1992
Views: 5942
Postmodern New Math
Date: 05/07/1992
Views: 4607