Keyword Album: Bomb
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 152 items
Date: 09/10/2020
Views: 2962
Date: 06/30/2020
Views: 5006
Keywords: nuclear war, apocalypse, bunker, Washington, Dayton, nuclear bombs, Kanye West, white power, tweet, golfing, phone, national emergency
Date: 03/19/2020
Views: 5632
Keywords: Sputnik news, coronavirus, COVID-19, dumber, wartime president, military, militarism, drones, bombing, Bomb, kill, seal team, assassination
What Kind of Maniacs Would Use Nuclear Weapons?
Date: 03/30/2022
Views: 9530
Keywords: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, peace Memorial, Japan, World War II, Russia, Ukraine, nuclear weapons, atomic bomb, church, tourists, paranoia, hypocrisy
Next Terrifying Military Threats
Date: 03/28/2022
Views: 10073
Keywords: Militarism, Warfare, Russia, Ukraine, Paranoia, Joe Biden, War, Baltic States, China, Taiwan, Aggression, Expansionism, Interventionism, Nuclear Weapons, Drones, Bombs
Finally, Straight Talk on Ukraine
Date: 03/21/2022
Views: 12127
Keywords: Ukraine, Vladimir Putin, Joe Biden, bar, straight talk, invasions, interventions, Panama, Iraq, Grenada, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Somalia, Haiti, Niger, Bosnia, bombing, embassies, press offices, hospitals, hypocrisy, lies, laugh, blockhead
Liz Cheney, Hero of the Democratic Party
Date: 02/18/2022
Views: 11701
Keywords: LGBT, sister, Liz Cheney, homophobia, right wing, pro life, anti-abortion, militarism, war monger, bomb Iran, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Cheney, Iraq war, Donald Trump, COVID-19, authorization for use of military force, integrity
Adult Crime, Childish Thinking Time
Date: 12/08/2021
Views: 11741
Keywords: Ethan crumbley, oxford, Michigan, high school shooting, guns, violence, legal, law, prosecute, juvenile justice, trying as adult, pretend, pretending, present, Taliban, Afghanistan, nuclear weapons, nuclear, atomic bomb, insanity defense, crazy, prosecuti
Happy 9/11 Day
Date: 09/13/2021
Views: 11467
Keywords: Terrorism, terrorist attacks, 911, September 11 attacks, Christie Todd Whitman, EPA, environmental protection agency, asbestos, war, militarism, beat up, shoe bomber, Richard read, shoes, airport security, TSA, American exceptionalism