Keyword Album: supply and demand
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 5 items
But I Can't Afford to Accept Economic Reality!
Date: 09/30/2022
Views: 7764
Keywords: Labor management relations, supply and demand, economics, labor shortage, wages, pay, retraining, training, hours, job shortage, afford, hypocrisy, economic reality
Your Boss Is Conspiring With Your Would-Be Future Boss To Keep You From Ever Getting a Raise
Date: 03/05/2018
Views: 9115
Keywords: labor management relations, supply and demand, economics, economy, labor shortage, monopsony, monopoly, conspiracy, corporations, noncompete clauses, no-poaching clauses, apple, tech, microsoft
The Republican View of Healthcare
Date: 07/13/2017
Views: 10770
Keywords: healthcare, sick, ill, illness, sickness, health, consumer, marketplace, patient, doctor, death, MD, tumors, vendors, capitalism, medicine, supply and demand, ACA, Obamacare, Trumpcare, Affordable Care Act
The Flaw of Supply and Demand
Date: 06/27/1998
Views: 12237
Keywords: unemployment, labor, supply and demand, workers, wages, minimum wage, labor shortage, productivity, economy, inflation, bosses
Date: 04/09/1998
Views: 16509
Keywords: employment, bosses, employers, executives, labor shortage, dot-com boom, supply and demand, income disparity, automation, computers, phony promotions, retirement plans, 401(k)s