Keyword Album: mean
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 24 items
Taking Stock
Date: 12/09/2024
Views: 4999
Keywords: Brian Thomas, United Healthcare, CEO, murder, greedy, mean, hatred, healthcare, medical, health insurance, ye olde boys club
Date: 08/07/2024
Views: 5047
Keywords: Kamala Harris, amnesia, memory, pod people, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, personality, mean girl, prosecutor, 2024 presidential campaign, innocent, pods
That's What Cancel Culture Is
Date: 03/06/2023
Views: 6728
Keywords: George Orwell, Orwellian, linguistics, language, meaning, cancel culture, woke mob, editorial decisions, censorship, first amendment, meaning of words
Date: 10/17/2020
Views: 3304
It's Different When Democrats Deport
Date: 11/03/2021
Views: 12330
Keywords: Immigration policy, border crisis, US Mexico border, drug cartel, murderers, means well, Democrats, border and customs enforcement guns, children, kids in cages, remain in Mexico policy, deportations
True Horror, Courtesy of the Cabinet of Dr. Biden
Date: 03/10/2021
Views: 11751
Keywords: Joe Manchin, West Virginia, Joe Biden, medical, hospital, euthanasia, means testing, rich, Pete Buttigieg, Janet Yellen, Congress, cabinet, coronavirus, COVID-19, stimulus bill
Don't Let the Lame Be the Enemy of the Good
Date: 02/05/2021
Views: 13644
Keywords: Executive orders, Joe Biden, Paris climate agreement, Paris climate accord, environment, climate change, global warming, $15 an hour minimum wage, federal workers, private prisons, federal prisons, pardons, misdemeanors
People Should Have the Self-Discipline to Resist a Billion-Dollar Advertising and Marketing Behemoth
Date: 03/08/2019
Views: 5940
Sympathy for the Hardass Right-Wing Devil
Date: 09/18/2018
Views: 10147
Keywords: Brett Kavanaugh, hypocristy, SCOTUS, Supreme Court nominee, hardass, mean, cruel, Republican, GOP, tough on crime, excuses, mercy, warrant, civil rights, slut, abortion