Keyword Album: c
Date: 03/09/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 6475 items
What Doesn't Convict Me Makes Me Stronger
Date: 03/27/2023
Views: 5863
Lame Crimes and Misdemeanors
Date: 03/29/2023
Views: 8525
Keywords: Benedict Arnold, Donald Trump, revolutionary war, historical, history, American revolution, traitor, falsifying, business records, Stormy Daniels, Alvin Bragg, Manhattan DA charges, campaign, finance law
Have Your Fake Cake and Eat It?
Date: 03/31/2023
Views: 7198
Keywords: Dystopian, food and drug administration, FTA, pork, meat, lamb, vegan, mutant, mite, cannibalism, cannibal, restaurant, waiter, cattle, chicken, fish, food, eating
Moral Hazard
Date: 03/24/2023
Views: 9597
Keywords: Budgetary priorities, homelessness, poverty, class warfare, Bank failures, Joe Biden, tech douches, capitalism, bank failures, Signature Bank, silicon Valley Bank
It's a Very Confusing Life
Date: 03/20/2023
Views: 5934
Kojak, Jr.
Date: 03/13/2023
Views: 7561
Keywords: Kojak, 1970s television, telly Savalas, facial recognition, software, state troopers, drone, big tech, triangulation, cell phone, DNA, 23 and me, tesla, chill, police, detective, technology
We Still Identify As a Democracy
Date: 03/15/2023
Views: 6987
Keywords: Democracy, transgender, transgender woman, draft registration, selective service system, war, kill, military, militarism, identity, identify
Will You Be the Next Issue Awareness Martyr?
Date: 03/17/2023
Views: 7686
Keywords: East Palestine, Ohio, dangerous situation, issue, awareness, martyr, martyrdom, death, devil, coffin, Satan
That's What Cancel Culture Is
Date: 03/06/2023
Views: 6470
Keywords: George Orwell, Orwellian, linguistics, language, meaning, cancel culture, woke mob, editorial decisions, censorship, first amendment, meaning of words