Keyword Album: Records
Date: 12/04/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 12 items
Believe Me, Not Your Lying Real Estate Eyes
Date: 10/02/2023
Views: 4930
You Have the Right to Remain Mystified
Date: 04/10/2023
Views: 4385
Lame Crimes and Misdemeanors
Date: 03/29/2023
Views: 7333
Keywords: Benedict Arnold, Donald Trump, revolutionary war, historical, history, American revolution, traitor, falsifying, business records, Stormy Daniels, Alvin Bragg, Manhattan DA charges, campaign, finance law
Hillary and the NSA, Sitting in a Tree
Date: 03/05/2015
Views: 10902
Keywords: NSA, emails, Hillary Clinton, emailgate, Secretary of State, State Department, Federal Records Act, Edward Snowden, National Security Agency, treason, terrorism, Tiffany's, credit, gift certificate, records, USA-PAtriot Act
Studied the Constitution. Didn't Like It.
Date: 12/31/2013
Views: 10129
Keywords: Obama, National Defense Authorization Act, CIA, Pentagon, drone strikes, war on terror, Consitution, Mengele, kill list, Conflict Records Research Center, NSA, domestic surveillance, civil liberties, individual rights, privacy rights, detention, Guantanam
Pot Records
Date: 02/19/2013
Views: 13276
Keywords: Los Angeles times, local cartoon, California, marijuana, budget crisis, pot, drugs, records, shredding, activists, legalization, narcotics, law and order, bureaucracy, crime and punishment
Steve Jobs, RIP (Sneak Peak)
Date: 09/05/2011
Views: 12989
Keywords: Obituary Cartoons, iPad, iPod, Music Business, Records, CDs, iTunes, Steve Jobs, Apple Computer, White Plastic Box, Death, Satan, Devil, Legacy, 99 cents
The Continuing Adventures of Clintonman
Date: 09/19/1996
Views: 9520
Keywords: ClintonMan, Bill Clinton, Medical Records, Bob Dole, Anti-Acne Drugs, Zits, Hormones, Indonesia, Free Trade, Sell Out, Bike Racks
More Notification Laws
Date: 08/05/1996
Views: 10305