Keyword Album: difference
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 9 items
Date: 03/11/2022
Views: 2358
Keywords: Ukraine, Vladimir Putin, Russia, difference, boycotting oil, oil band, bonesaw, Jamalka Shoggi, death of a princess, human rights, MBS, Mohammed bin Salman, Yemen, Newcastle United, football, soccer, gas, oil, Joe Biden,
Who Can Tell the Difference?
Date: 08/15/2022
Views: 8897
Liberal Vote-Shaming Explained
Date: 08/24/2020
Views: 6198
Keywords: Leftist, Democratic Party, progressives, liberals, corporate, difference, heat, listen, third-party, two party system, duopoly
So Many Democratic Candidates, So Many Identical Platform Planks
Date: 04/17/2019
Views: 6984
Keywords: Bernie Sanders, 2020 presidential campaign, Democrats, Medicare-for-all, $15 minimum wage, college tuition, vive la difference, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Beto O'Rourke, Elizabeth Warren
No Getting Away
Date: 11/18/1996
Views: 14147
Keywords: Baby Boomers, Clerk, Workplace, Cool Cars, Exciting Vacations, Generational Warfare, Generation X, Generational Conflict, Gravestone, Graveyards, Class Difference
Labeling Slum Dwellers
Date: 03/28/1998
Views: 12390
Keywords: high school, education, school uniforms, mr. t experience, record world, self-esteem, class differences identity, house of cheese, slums, cops, crime, gang colors
Meet Julie McCane, the Candid Candidate
Date: 01/01/2000
Views: 11850
Keywords: julie mccane, political correctness, candidates, candid candidate, quotas, affirmative action, tokenism, gay, african-american, jewish, real difference, community, right-wing, conbservative
May-December Love Stories
Date: 09/01/2001
Views: 9950
The Difference Between Us And Them
Date: 10/05/2006
Views: 16152
Keywords: Difference, War, War on Terror, Terrorism, Torture, Detainee, Detainee Treatment Bill, Constitution, Iraq, Saddam, Saddam Hussein, Window Dressing, Kidnapping, Rape, Murder, Guantanamo, Bagram, Afghanistan, Muslims, Evil, Congress, Legalization, Bad Man