Keyword Album: Bill Gates
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 19 items
Date: 05/04/2022
Views: 2682
Keywords: Elon Musk, Tesla, Bill Gates, Twitter, Social Media, Free Expression, Free Speech, First Amendment, Microsoft, Business Ethics, Journalism, Media, Communications
Date: 10/08/2010
Views: 10399
Keywords: Class Warfare, Bullying, George W. Bush, Bill Gates, Bridge, Gay-Bashing, Wealth, War Criminal, Journalism, Reporting, Internet, Cyberbullying, Oppressor
How Opinions Are Created in America
Date: 08/19/1995
Views: 11934
Keywords: Government Press Releases, Propaganda, Media, Journalism, New Jersey, Bill Clinton, Opinin Columns, Reader Reactions, Iowa, Poughkeepsie, Communications, Bill Gates, Letters to the Editor
God: The Early Years
Date: 10/09/1995
Views: 10566
Keywords: Unemployment, Job Market, Deities, Layoffs, God, Burger Joint, Conjure, Prostate, Established, Ba'al, Isis, Pan, Bill Gates
It's Bill Gates' World...We Only Live In It
Date: 09/17/1996
Views: 11214
Trailer Park Patriotism
Date: 07/18/1996
Views: 19346
Keywords: trickle-down economics, thomas frank, what's the matter with kansas?, economy, class war, tax policy, system, militarism, soldiers, military, poor, alan greenspan, bill gates, shame, rich
The 9 Most Vital Young Adults in America
Date: 06/27/1996
Views: 19046
Keywords: magazines, lists, generation x, young people, save the kids, steven spielberg, schindler's list, wynona ryder, actress, deficit, musician, bill gates, petunias', website, internet, government geek, zine editor
Revised Flat Tax Return
Date: 01/31/1996
Views: 11193
Bill Gates: The College Years
Date: 11/09/1998
Views: 8357