Keyword Album: murder
Date: 12/12/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 45 items
Greed Has Good Odds
Date: 12/13/2024
Views: 287
Taking Stock
Date: 12/09/2024
Views: 161
Keywords: Brian Thomas, United Healthcare, CEO, murder, greedy, mean, hatred, healthcare, medical, health insurance, ye olde boys club
Some Exceptions May Apply
Date: 07/01/2024
Views: 7586
Keywords: Ten Commandments, Bible, money, pop stars, 10 Commandments, Louisiana, separation of church and state, cursing, sabbath, sports, consumerism, shopping, nursing homes, elderly, murder, capital punishment, militarism, police, adultery, polycule, capitalism
It's Different When Democrats Deport
Date: 11/03/2021
Views: 10595
Keywords: Immigration policy, border crisis, US Mexico border, drug cartel, murderers, means well, Democrats, border and customs enforcement guns, children, kids in cages, remain in Mexico policy, deportations
Politics isn't about Politics, it's about Style and Tone So Let's Admit It
Date: 06/19/2019
Views: 7922
Keywords: Bernie Sanders, tone, style, Barack Obama, party politics, crass, Donald Trump, red, blue, behoove, academic, avuncular, cranky, populist, billionaire, MAGA, sociopath, drones, murder
Official Rhetoric About Leakers and Whistleblowers, Translated
Date: 05/04/2019
Views: 6644
Keywords: Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, Daniel Ellsberg, national security, Rachel Maddow, television, translation, murderers, arrogant, skull, weird, insane
Forget Jamal Khashoggi. Visit Saudi Arabia's New No-Kill Consulates!
Date: 01/08/2019
Views: 5631
Keywords: Saudi Arabia, Mohammad bin Salman, crown prince, murder, Jamal Khashoggi, tourism, visit, acid, sprite, TSA, bone saw, women's rights, hijab
How the US Uses Godawful Guys to Fight Bad Guys
Date: 11/26/2018
Views: 6276
Keywords: Saudi Arabia, Jamal Khashoggi, Iran, Donald Trump, murder, journalism, human rights, freedom of expression, diplomacy, corruption, consulate
For $2500 You Could Now Murder Anyone You Want Using a Remote Drone
Date: 02/21/2018
Views: 11777
Keywords: Skydio, R1, Autonomous drones, consumer drones, dystopia, dystopian, science fiction, facial recognition software, tech, technology, future shock, firearms, guns, pistol, assassinations, murder, crime, killing