Keyword Album: Coffee
Date: 03/14/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 30 items
To the Barricades for Beleaguered Bureaucrats!
Date: 02/24/2025
Views: 1062
Date: 02/28/2020
Views: 6241
Keywords:, existentialism, decaf latte, Starbucks, Joe Biden, coffee, tea lobby, I'm the guy, Obama, air, breathe, DNC, 2020 Democratic primary campaign
When Caregiving for Alzheimer's Is Coupled with a History of Child Abuse
Date: 09/27/2019
Views: 7170
Keywords: Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, mom, mother, ambivalence, child abuse, battering, hitting, assault, helpless, helplessness, kill, coffee
Little Did She Know
Date: 05/30/2019
Views: 6480
Keywords: Alzheimer's, dementia, bathroom, house, slip and fall, fall risk, elderly, bold, bicentennial linoleum, Coffee, Ambulance, aging
The Evil of Mobile Order and Pay
Date: 07/11/2018
Views: 7876
Keywords: starbucks, coffee, planning ahead, plannist, food, app, fast food, technology, internet, mobile order and pay, death camp
As Millennials Age and Boomers Die, Capitalism Is Inevitably Doomed
Date: 04/23/2018
Views: 16290
Keywords: Capitalism, socialism, economic systems, communism, economics, Starbucks, coffee, barista, restaurant, minimum wage, cashless society, homeless, poverty, income disparity, wealth disparity
The Coffee Stirrer is the Ultimate American Thing
Date: 03/15/2018
Views: 8211
Keywords: environment, planet, ocean, waste, trash, ecology, garbage, plastic, straws, coffee stirrers, starbucks, ecocide, sierra club
Date: 01/05/2017
Views: 7893
Date: 01/30/2017
Views: 9496