Keyword Album: Men
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 1679 items
Exception to Every Rule
Date: 08/23/2007
Views: 7850
Keywords: Pro-Choice, Abortion, Jenna, Bush, Jenna Bush, Dynasty, Engagement, Sterilization, Bushes, Pro-Life, Reproductive, Tubes, Tied, Forced
Date: 06/04/2007
Views: 10923
Keywords: Mitt Romney, Romney, 2008, President, Presidential, Election, Military, Torture, Terrorism, Gitmo, Guant?namo, Cuba, Internment, Detainee, Detainees, Sartre, Waterboarding, Wal-Mart
The Grudge
Date: 06/16/2007
Views: 9328
Keywords: Relationships, Disputes, Fighting, Temper, Fight, Men, Women, Jerk, Woman, Monster, Evil, Anger, Psychology, Conflict, Resolution
Border Patrol
Date: 06/11/2007
Views: 7095
Keywords: Immigration, Mexico, Illegal, Migrant, Migrants, Nativism, Minutemen, ICE, INS, Border, Patrol, Trespasser, Freeze
Living the Dream
Date: 05/15/2007
Views: 12459
Keywords: Don Imus, CBS, Censorship, Blacks, African-Americans, Poverty, Police, Harassment, Congress, Prison, Felony, Ballots
Monument to the Victims of Capitalism
Date: 05/11/2007
Views: 12847
Keywords: Communism, Cold War, Bush, Ideology, Monument, Statue, Memorial, Capitalism, Victims, Washington, Gulags, Vad Yashem, Armenian, Genocide, Oklahoma City, Bombing
Pretend to Care
Date: 12/08/2007
Views: 7575
Her Best Life
Date: 12/06/2007
Views: 7765
Keywords: Oprah, Winfrey, Oprah Winfrey Obama, Barack, Barack Obama, Endorsement, race, gender, Hillary, Clinton, McCain, nomination
Reverse Psychology
Date: 04/19/2007
Views: 12019
Keywords: Illegal, Immigrants, Immigration, Hostile Takeover, Corporate, LBO, Leveraged Buyout, Mitt Romney, Republican, Jerry Bruckheimer, Reverse Psychology, Torture, Kidnap, Toxic Waste, Elementary School