Congress Fried Chicken
Date: 06/30/2014
Views: 11816
Keywords: Congress, fried chicken, politics, fast food, two-party system, Democrats, Republicans, choice, apathy, polls, approval ratings, democracy, voters, diners
Gone to the Dogs
Date: 10/26/2013
Views: 12975
Keywords: Harrisburg Patriot-News, local cartoon, avant-garde, John Maher, Pennsylvania, cats, dogs, chef, restauraut, menu, bill, dining, diners, fussbudget, parakeet, ferret, goldfish, gerbil, kebab
Danny's Family Values Restaurant
Date: 06/29/1992
Views: 9237
Keywords: denny's, racism, family values, diners, debauchery, porno pancake palaces, spouse, restaurant, food, homosexuals, burgers, breasts