Keyword Album: N
Date: 03/15/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 6673 items
Good Things About the Iraq War
Date: 07/28/2007
Views: 13655
Keywords: Iraq, War, Bush, President, Credit, Starlet, Pixie, Kid, Osama, bin Laden, UBL, OBL, Supernova, Sun, Astronomy, Wedding Party, Cinema, Film, Conflict, Awesome, Beijing, National Debt, Bonds, T-Bills
Masters of Political Oratory
Date: 07/26/2007
Views: 9164
Keywords: Oratory, Rhetoric, Speech, Speeches, Bush, Generalissimo, El Busho, Rebuke, Al Qaeda, Bank, Mask, Robber, Bank Robber, Reject, Zambezi, Crocodile, Alberto Gonzales, Gonzales
Waiting for Petraeus
Date: 07/23/2007
Views: 8596
Keywords: Petraeus, General, Iraq, war, gay, paper, plastic, grocery, supermarket, Bush, bar, angst, existential, existentialism, Sartre
Why We Can't Leave
Date: 07/21/2007
Views: 10664
Keywords: Iraq, war, France, Nazis, occupation, terrorism, resistance, anti-Germanism, anti-Americanism, jihadis, Vichy, World War II
Can't Stop, Must Stop
Date: 07/19/2007
Views: 15820
Keywords: Democrats, Republicans, newspapers, New York Times, Pelosi, Speaker, GOP, Iraq, war, terror, terrorism, Constitution, separation of powers, funding, daddy, suckas
N Word, RIP
Date: 07/16/2007
Views: 8569
Keywords: NAACP, N-Word, C-Word, F-Word, Cursing, Obscenity, Slur, Crap, Effin', Feminazi, Funeral, PC, Political Correctness, Racism, Vulgarity, Vulgarism
Profile of a Suicide Bomber
Date: 07/14/2007
Views: 7583
History Module
Date: 07/12/2007
Views: 9583
Keywords: Acountability, Bush, Congress, Gore, 2000, Election, Illegitimate, Imposter, Generalissimo, Time, History, Freak, Forget, Apathy
If Current Trends Continue
Date: 07/11/2007
Views: 8627
Keywords: Bush, Poll, Polls, Popularity, Approval, Administration, Lame Duck, Current, Trends, Rating, 0.0000003%, percent, Pollster, Sucks, President