Keyword Album: Media
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 335 items
The Newspaper
Date: 08/10/2008
Views: 8337
Sarah Palin Lies in State
Date: 09/30/2008
Views: 5485
If Punditry Were Real Life
Date: 09/23/2007
Views: 12710
Keywords: Punditry, Pundits, Op/Ed, Media, Journalism, Columnists, Anbar, al-Anbar, Iraq', Swing Voters, Surge,, New York Times, ad, Petraeus, Betray Us, Consumer Confidence, Fed, Federal Reserve
How We Got Here
Date: 08/20/2007
Views: 12440
Keywords: President, Media, Journalism, Journalists, Reporter, Reporters, Propaganda, Bush, 9/11, Democrats, Democrat, Dems, Public, Access, Camp, Advocacy, Independent, Consolidation
Attack on America Part 7
Date: 08/02/2007
Views: 14505
Keywords: Attack on America, Part 7, Apathy, Lethargy, Lethargovision, Continuance, Committee, Media, Journalism, Journalists, Television, TV, Evil, Constitution, Abu Ghraib, Troops, War, Iraq, 9/11
You Killed My Kid
Date: 08/13/2007
Views: 13498
Keywords: Iraq, War, Terror, Terrorism, Kid, Killed, Soldiers, Troops, Military, Congress, Generals, Pentagon, Media, Fearmongering, President, Press
Gross! Look!
Date: 06/07/2007
Views: 11183
Keywords: Media, Television, Celebrity, Paparazzi, Photo, Photograph, Image, Picture, Actress, Crotch, Slut, Shot, Vile, Children, Exploitation, Gossip
The Candidates We Have
Date: 06/14/2007
Views: 7063
Why They Hate Us
Date: 04/20/2007
Views: 9196
Keywords: Virginia Tech, Massacre, Iraq, Violence, War, Hypocrisy, Value of Lives, News, Media, Hate, Gun Control