Keyword Album: Troops
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 61 items
The Gambler
Date: 12/23/2006
Views: 11837
Keywords: Gambling, Bush, Iraq, War, Terror, Terrorism, Troops, Soldiers, Casualties, Deaths, Marines, Army, House, Las Vegas, Democrats
Scoot Over, Will Ya?
Date: 11/10/2006
Views: 8936
Keywords: Midterm, Elections, Victory, Democrats, Democratic, Sweep, 2006, Scoot Over, Millions, Impeach, Bring Home, Troops, Iraq, Street, Corner
John McCain's Hair of the Dog Strategy
Date: 11/26/2006
Views: 9804
Keywords: John McCain, McCain, Arizona, Senator, President, Iraq, War, More Troops, Treasury, Debt, National, Ice Cap, Global Warming, Ice Age, Pollution
How the U.S. Can Still Win in Iraq
Date: 11/21/2006
Views: 11343
Keywords: Iraq, War, Terror, Terrorism, 9/11, Iraq Study Group, Baker, James Baker III, Bush, Solutions, Troops, Citizenship, Superman, Speed of Light, Relativity, Saddam, Hussein, Iceland, Greenland, Name Change
100 Years
Date: 01/14/2008
Views: 9179
Keywords: 100, 1000, 1000000, hundred, thousand, million, McCain, Iraq, war, occupation, forces, troops, Mother Jones, campaign, remark
The Next Threat
Date: 02/12/2008
Views: 14221
Keywords: Military, Preparedness, Iraq, War, Troops, Forces, Equipment, Training, Soundtrack, Islam, English, Al Qaeda, WMDs, Generals, Diplomacy, Clash, Judeo-Christian Street, Arab Street
Attack on America Part 7
Date: 08/02/2007
Views: 14505
Keywords: Attack on America, Part 7, Apathy, Lethargy, Lethargovision, Continuance, Committee, Media, Journalism, Journalists, Television, TV, Evil, Constitution, Abu Ghraib, Troops, War, Iraq, 9/11
You Killed My Kid
Date: 08/13/2007
Views: 13498
Keywords: Iraq, War, Terror, Terrorism, Kid, Killed, Soldiers, Troops, Military, Congress, Generals, Pentagon, Media, Fearmongering, President, Press
Support the Troops
Date: 11/22/2007
Views: 8920