Keyword Album: destroy
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 8 items
Date: 10/05/2016
Views: 7365
The Politics of Destruction
Date: 10/16/2017
Views: 14391
Keywords: politics, destruction, DLC, corporate Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Obamacare, corporations, extremism, Donald Trump, destroy, wreck, ruin, Iran, healthcare, ACA, North Korea, education, immigrants, xenophobia, environment, planeyt, LGBTQ, gays
Who's the Rogue Nation?
Date: 09/25/2017
Views: 7326
Keywords: Bush, Trump, Iraq, North Korea, war, militarism, UN speech, totally destroy, speech, Kim Jong-Un, Saddam Hussein, just war, Hillary Clinton, rogue state
Loose Cannon
Date: 10/10/2016
Views: 5705
The Threat of Decency
Date: 06/03/1996
Views: 14357
Keywords: revenge, compassion, insult, destroy, forgive, forgiveness, decency, understanding, socialization, fairness, socialism, patriotism, capitalism, vindictiveness
The Only Way to Save America is to Destroy It
Date: 11/30/2001
Views: 5130
Tricky Dick Too
Date: 01/05/2002
Views: 6787
Keywords: henry kissinger, bush, elder statesmen, richard nixon, g. gordon liddy, al haig, middle east, rehnquist, 2000 election, billage, village, destroy
Partisan Bickering
Date: 01/05/2008
Views: 11227
Keywords: Polarization, Voters, Partisanship, Partisan, Bickering, Party, Parties, Democrats, Republicans, Camps, Destroyed, Erased, History, Couple, Living Room