Keyword Album: hell
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 98 items
Date: 06/06/2009
Views: 19759
Keywords: Patience, Barack Obama, Liberal Projection, Liberalism, Democrats, War, Iraq, Afghanistan, Predator, Hellfire, Corruption, Wall Street, Financial Crisis, Homelessness, Poverty, Torture, Waterboarding, Car Bomb
Hearts and Minds
Date: 04/04/2009
Views: 13051
Keywords: Predator Drone Planes, Hellfire Missiles, Remote Control, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Surge, Afghanistan, Obama, No Face, Explode, Wedding Party, Bombs
Heroes of the Afghan War
Date: 03/06/2009
Views: 21150
Keywords: War, Veterans, Soldiers, Afghanistan, Afghan, CIA, Hellfire Missiles, Predator Drone Planes, IMac, Langley, Wedding Parties, Bombs, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Beer Cans, Computers, Technology, Warfare, Victory, Towelheads, Evildoers
Afghan Love
Date: 02/23/2009
Views: 18752
Keywords: City Hall, Love and Romance, Afghanistan, Marriage, Weddings, Guns, Hellfire Missiles, Predator Drone Planes, USAF, Air Force, Bombings, Romeo and Juliet, Small Wedding, Underground, Food, Band, AK-47
Surrender in the Name of the U.S.
Date: 01/16/2009
Views: 14502
Keywords: economy, recession, depression, economic stimulus, iraq, afghanistan, militarism, war, taxes, barack obama, michelle obama, congress, occupation, torture
If "Peanuts" Launched Today
Date: 12/26/1999
Views: 8653
Fresh Leadership for a New Era
Date: 07/29/2000
Views: 12115
Keywords: bush, george h.w. bush, patty hearst, john delorean, dick cheney, norman schwarzkopf, g. gordon liddy, henry kissinge, gerald ford, vietnam, john ehrlichman, john mitchell, j.f. dulles, black panthers\, richard nixon, gerry ford, cointelpro
A Day in the Life of George Q. Bush
Date: 02/26/2000
Views: 11411
Afterlife, 9-11 Sector
Date: 02/15/2002
Views: 7821