Keyword Album: mathematics
Date: 01/05/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 8 items
Date: 05/26/2020
Views: 4579
Keywords: Sputnik news, Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump, math, mathematics, COVID-19, death count, coronavirus, bragging, good job, tweet, Twitter
10,000 = 0
Date: 02/03/2014
Views: 6451
Zeno's LAX Paradox
Date: 08/13/2013
Views: 11955
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, Metro, mass transit, subway, MTA, tortoise, ancient Greece, Achilles, mathematics, math, Zeno, paradox, airport, cellphone lot, limbo, turtle
State Debt
Date: 01/16/2013
Views: 16604
Keywords: Los Angeles times, local cartoon, Gov. Jerry Brown, budget, state debt, Apple Computer, nationalization, socialism, iPods, Cupertino, tolls, border crossing, Mexico, hybrid cars, lawns, check, mathematics, education, deficits, austerity
The Genius of Science Denial
Date: 11/28/2012
Views: 10521
Keywords: 2016 presidential campaign, GOP, science, Republicans, Gov. Chris Christie (NJ), evolution, creationism, Gov. Bobby Jindal (LA), Sen. Rand Paul (KY), Sen. Marco Rubio (FL), climate change, global warming, geometry, mathematics, temperature, Iraq, war, def
Open Season on Morons
Date: 12/09/1995
Views: 10920
Keywords: International Competition, Globalization, Free Trade, Burkino Faso, Simple Questions, Train, Pittsburgh, Mathematics, Philadelphia, dBase, Christmas Card list, Gene Splicing, Indonesians
Better Voting Through Quantum Theory
Date: 05/05/2008
Views: 5599
Army Strong
Date: 08/16/2007
Views: 8187
Keywords: Military, Education, Chemistry, English, Mathematics, Anthropology, Economics, G.E.D., GED, Diploma, Degree, Dropouts