Keyword Album: funeral
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 20 items
A Terrible Shock
Date: 09/14/2012
Views: 9974
Keywords: Libya, ambassador, killing, diplomacy, State Department, shock, Obama, coffin, funeral, radical Islamists, Syria, Afghanisan, Hillary Clinton
The Prez Who Cried Wolf
Date: 04/08/2010
Views: 9181
Keywords: Iran, Iraq, WMDs, weapons of mass destruction, Obama, Funeral, Soldier, Graveyard, Cemetery, Militarism, nuclear weapons
Dr. Obama
Date: 03/18/2010
Views: 6560
Accountancy Gone Mad
Date: 03/05/1995
Views: 14403
Keywords: Balanced Budget, Government, Deficit, Household Budget, Car, Automobile Loan, College, Student Loan, Homeless, Mortgage, Entertainment, Clothes, Vacations, 3 Jobs, Shoot Myself\, Suicide, Funeral Bill
No News is Bad News!
Date: 02/20/1995
Views: 15626
Keywords: Media, Television, Killer Tornado, Construction Industry, Dozens of Bodies, Murder, Funeral Homes, Optimism, Cherry, Cheerful, Stockholders, Stock Market, Wall Street, Crash, Bargains, Islamic Jihad, Careerism
When Free Trade Strikes Back
Date: 04/04/1997
Views: 21262
Keywords: strike, french rail employees, unions, labor management relations, florida teachers, zaire, miners, japanese, civil servants, dutch, colege professors, labor unrest, global economy, mob, head on a stick, funeral
Asshole, RIP
Date: 04/27/2000
Views: 11031
A Better Place
Date: 10/13/1994
Views: 5034
Change We Can Bereave In
Date: 08/01/2008
Views: 10679
Keywords: Afghanistan, Obama, Barack Obama, War, McCain, Unwinnable, Illegal, Pointless, Graveyard, Funeral, Soldiers, War Dead, Casualties