Keyword Album: kids
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 41 items
Have Kids!
Date: 01/01/1998
Views: 11219
Keywords: clinton, reproductive organs, have kids, tax cuts, condom, child tax deduction, dependent, clingotn, congress, children, parents
60 Years Old
Date: 03/13/1999
Views: 16804
Keywords: 60 minutes, news, television, tv, elderly, generational conflict, rock 'n' roll, kids, mike brazer, fdr, al capone, haberdasher, social security, elder abuse, andrew rooney, andy rooney, monica lewinsky, slut, madon na, menendez, young, old
Date: 01/28/1999
Views: 12367
Keywords: grandfather, verdun, world war i, grandmother, 9 kids, japanese p.o.w. camp, world war ii, family, album, photos, descendents, jeep cherokee, evolution
The Idea Guys
Date: 09/21/2000
Views: 14401
Keywords: flag burning, wedge issues, school vouchers, swing voters, kids, children, divorce, healthcare, violence, school shootings, al gore, hollywood elites
Controllables and Disposables
Date: 05/18/2000
Views: 11938
Anything But Higher Pay
Date: 04/20/2000
Views: 13674
Keywords: employment, money, time off, pets, dot-com, new economy, personal phone calls, smoking, sex, massage, tan, kids, nude, insult, working conditions
Hey Young'uns! Tired of Getting Dissed by the "Greatest Generation"?
Date: 06/04/2001
Views: 12824
Keywords: greatest generation, baby boomers, generation x, racism, anti-semitism, day trading, nostalgia, pointless war, sneer at kids, weak, parenthood, childhood
The Al Qaeda Conspiracy
Date: 11/01/2001
Views: 8597
So You're with the Mommerists
Date: 10/29/2001
Views: 5356