Keyword Album: W
Date: 03/19/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 4528 items
Cold War Memorial
Date: 04/12/1999
Views: 10832
American Education at Work
Date: 03/09/1999
Views: 9509
Keywords: jewel, music, toto, massacre casualties, television, mayhem, timorese, east timor, kosovars, kurds, tajiks, ignorance
When Cinematic Cliches Go Too Far
Date: 03/07/1999
Views: 9053
Keywords: movies, films, subway, fight scene, we're the same, bipedal, caucasian, white, males, dna, pretentious
Not My Fault
Date: 03/30/1999
Views: 14647
Keywords: racism, race, discrimination, blacks, african-americans, infant mortality, babies, healthcare, taxes, work, police brutality
Mouse Type
Date: 03/26/1999
Views: 17865
Keywords: warning labels, advertising, madison avenue, parents, education school, fatherhood, parenthood, children, families, culture, jewel cd, music, religion, afetrlife, heaven, loved ones
60 Years Old
Date: 03/13/1999
Views: 16615
Keywords: 60 minutes, news, television, tv, elderly, generational conflict, rock 'n' roll, kids, mike brazer, fdr, al capone, haberdasher, social security, elder abuse, andrew rooney, andy rooney, monica lewinsky, slut, madon na, menendez, young, old
Hillary Clinton Takes Manhattan
Date: 03/01/1999
Views: 10157
The Word Guy
Date: 02/08/1999
Views: 6604
A Rising Tide Lifts a Boat
Date: 02/04/1999
Views: 12877