Keyword Album: c
Date: 03/06/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 6472 items
Hey Nation States!
Date: 12/19/2006
Views: 10630
Keywords: Proxy, Civil War, War, Iraq, Kurds, Shias, Sunnis, Shia, Sunni, Cut and Run, Arms Race, Weapons, AK-47, Minority, Partition, Majority, RPGs, Ethnic Cleansing, Nation States
Let the Goddess Sort 'Em Out
Date: 03/08/2008
Views: 7222
100 Years
Date: 01/14/2008
Views: 9044
Keywords: 100, 1000, 1000000, hundred, thousand, million, McCain, Iraq, war, occupation, forces, troops, Mother Jones, campaign, remark
Obama is so Inspiring
Date: 01/24/2008
Views: 6194
Keywords: Obama, Cruise, Tom Cruise, Barack Obama, Inspiring, Scientology, Video, Rhetoric, Empty, Vague, Empty Suit
Mr. Change
Date: 01/28/2008
Views: 9614
Why We Vote
Date: 01/21/2008
Views: 14942
Keywords: Voters, Democracy, Opinions, Issues, Free Trade, Iraq, War, McCain, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Hillary, Obama, Barack Obama, Personalities, Beer, Beer Test, Unlikeable, Teetotaler, Romney, Mitt Romney, Des Moines, Iowa, Caucuses, Primary, Primaries, Po
500,000 or 1,000,000?
Date: 06/21/2008
Views: 8122
The System Works
Date: 06/13/2008
Views: 7687
Shortly Before the Fall of Rome
Date: 06/15/2008
Views: 8829
Keywords: McCain, Obama, Lamp Oil, Oil Dependence, Delphi, Oracle, Empire, In jury, Provinces, Iraq, Forum, Collapse, Civilization, Visigoths, Sacking, Obliviousness