Keyword Album: college
Date: 03/28/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 111 items
The Day That Changed Everything
Date: 08/02/2009
Views: 12825
Keywords: Henry Louis Gates, Barack Obama, Harvard College, Candor, Honesty, Unscripted Human Emotion, Apology, Kennedy Assassination, 9/11, Old Man, Reminiscing
Democracy: The Quicker Picker Upper
Date: 05/27/1996
Views: 19324
Keywords: two-party system, college tuition, children, blacks, political absorbancy, fringe opinions, free education, sayonara, gas taxes, racism, mainstream, alienation, assimilation, extremism
Give Education Another Chance
Date: 04/11/1996
Views: 12494
Happy Shiny People You Know
Date: 05/22/1997
Views: 16949
Keywords: r.e.m., great american novel, underemployment, wasted talent, burger joint, college education costs, workplace, second place, scholarship, baywatch, bosses
Father's Day
Date: 04/03/1997
Views: 19972
Keywords: parenthooh, parenthood, children, divorce, abandonment, school, fights, bullying, drinking, college, expelled, skipping, dead-end jobs, debt, penis, fun
Antone the Affirmative Action Hero
Date: 11/13/1997
Views: 11623
Robert's Flu
Date: 06/08/1998
Views: 15675
Keywords: tracking, french, junior high school, middle school, education, robert, destiny, fate, college-track classes, college, northwest dade community colleg, job, polymer eradication, quiet riot, feel the noise, drinking, pregnant, sex and relationships, family
Bill Gates: The College Years
Date: 11/09/1998
Views: 8356
It's a Stupid Life
Date: 10/03/1998
Views: 11525
Keywords: million-dollar baseball, college, team, overtime, workplace, employment, homelessness, bummer, selflessness, afterlife, mortality