Keyword Album: cartoons
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 41 items
Date: 05/25/2009
Views: 14840
Depressing Comics
Date: 02/13/1995
Views: 11538
Team Players (a.k.a., Bonding Over Billy)
Date: 08/01/1996
Views: 16783
Undercover Journalists
Date: 02/26/1996
Views: 28150
Keywords: cia, central intelligence agency, cold war, journalists, agents, cartoonits, charles schulz, peanuts, el salvador, dog house, pat oliphant, editorial cartoons, comic strips, bil keane, family circus, not me, shah of iran, savak, wire-tapping
My '60s Memories
Date: 12/04/1996
Views: 10264
Content is Dead
Date: 04/24/1997
Views: 26198
Keywords: lawyer, jobs, doctors, hmos, factory, grad school, professors, cold war, engineering, actors, computer animation, music, record labels, spineless, cartooning, newspapers, cartoons, editorial cartooning, magazines, media
A Retraction
Date: 07/09/1998
Views: 12847
Keywords: media, press, corrections, legal action, cartoons, corporations, executives, greedy, bill clinton, president, errors, first person
Cartoons Aren't Art
Date: 04/27/1998
Views: 14375
Keywords: national endowment for the arts, nea, bronx, pretentiousness, modern art, cartoons, cartooning, editorial cartooning, culturally illterate baboon, high-class cartoons, robert mapplethorpe, piss christ, controversial art
Another Trite But Effective Adolf Hitler Analogy Cartoon
Date: 12/07/1998
Views: 16134
Keywords: garfield, lasagna, comic strips, adolf hitler, cartoons, holocaust, polls, economy, impeachment, people's business, \bill clinton, monica lewsinky scandal, tamerlane, russia, jah