Keyword Album: ACA
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 110 items
Repeal and Reject
Date: 01/23/2017
Views: 8590
Keywords: Obamacare, repeal, reject, Affordable Care Act, ACA, patients, healthcare, medical, operation, doctor, nurse, emergency room, operating room
The Hopelessness of Unaudacity
Date: 01/22/2016
Views: 6958
Summertime Blues
Date: 08/20/2015
Views: 12359
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, LAPD, LAPPL, New York Observer, Ken Curson, collusion, summer vacation, beers, cartoonists, media, cowardice, silence, audiotape, firing, corruption, press
ACA Ruling
Date: 06/25/2015
Views: 10019
The Decline and Fall of Dayton, Ohio
Date: 01/28/2015
Views: 14709
Keywords: Dayton, Breaking Modern, freelance cartoon, Ohio, Rust Belt, architecture, demolition, economic collapse, corruption, urban issues, Dayton City Paper, buildings, bankers, vacancy rate, occupancy rate
Time Machine Assassination Squad
Date: 04/08/2015
Views: 7816
Why My City is Gone: The Gutting of Dayton
Date: 01/21/2015
Views: 14465
Keywords: Dayton, Breaking Modern, freelance cartoon, Ohio, Rust Belt, architecture, demolition, economic collapse, corruption, urban issues, Dayton City Paper, buildings, bankers, vacancy rate, occupancy rate
Sickie Selfies
Date: 10/09/2014
Views: 9230
Flat Broke? Try the Hillary Clinton Way!
Date: 07/07/2014
Views: 8725
Keywords: Hillary Clinton, class warfare, Terry MacAuliffe, flat broke, Bill Clinton, dint, hard work, ghostwriting, Hard Choices, loans, wealth, Mitt Romney