Keyword Album: Air
Date: 02/03/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 303 items
Date: 11/13/2019
Views: 9269
Keywords:, Michael Bloomberg, 2020 Democratic primaries, billionaire, wealth, Mike Bloomberg, New York City, out of touch, cluelessness, bubble, 2020 presidential campaign
You Shall Know a System by its Enemies
Date: 02/03/2020
Views: 7424
Keywords: Bernie Sanders, system, 2020 presidential election, search, Paul, Medicare for all, Doctor, billionaires, billionaire, free college, for-profit colleges, madman, $15 an hour minimum wage
Actually, a Lynching is Quite Different
Date: 10/30/2019
Views: 6331
Date: 06/26/2018
Views: 9015
Keywords: Sputnik News, Muslim ban, travel ban, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, Muslims, Zyklon B, immigration policy, airport, passport control, fascism
Date: 04/19/2018
Views: 7632
Don't Kill Yourself, Kill a Jerk
Date: 09/20/2019
Views: 9492
Keywords: Suicide, mental health, death from despair, alcohol abuse, alcoholism, drug abuse, pressure, poverty, financial problems, alienation, alienated, freaking out, wimps, sympathy, empathy
Politics isn't about Politics, it's about Style and Tone So Let's Admit It
Date: 06/19/2019
Views: 8226
Keywords: Bernie Sanders, tone, style, Barack Obama, party politics, crass, Donald Trump, red, blue, behoove, academic, avuncular, cranky, populist, billionaire, MAGA, sociopath, drones, murder
Hey Democrats, How Did Blocking Bernie Work Out For You Last Time
Date: 04/24/2019
Views: 9384
Keywords: Angela Merkel, Germany, Nazis, definition of insanity, do-over, mullet, hairdo, barbershop, hairstylist, 1970 nostalgia, Milli Vanilli, record agent, Hollywood, Bernie Sanders, corporate Democrats, corporate donors, Hillary Clinton
Things That Were Going to Save Journalism
Date: 04/12/2019
Views: 10400
Keywords: newspapers, press, journalism, Donald Trump, World War propaganda poster, guilt, smart speaker, Alexa, consolidation, Apple News Plus, billionaires, Jeff Bezos, Patrick Soon-Shiong, video, Internet, news, communications, ipad, print