Keyword Album: Amendment
Date: 01/15/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 66 items
Big Chill
Date: 08/31/2015
Views: 10119
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, LAPD, police, democracy, media, reporters, editors, Nick Goldberg, newspaper, press, First Amendment, corruption
Gun Drones
Date: 07/16/2015
Views: 12963
Keywords:,, poodle, drones, quadropters, barking, neighbors, guns, weapons, handguns, Second Amendment, robotic weapons
First They Came for the Purposefully Provocative Danish Cartoonists...
Date: 05/08/2015
Views: 9898
Keywords: Niemoller, Danish Mohammed cartoons, Pamela Geller, Mohammed cartoon contest, ISIS, free speech, Charlie Hebdo, French, France, Texas. liberalism, free expression, First Amendment
Jihadi Art Critics Circle
Date: 04/30/2015
Views: 13653
Keywords: Garry Trudeau. Charie Hebdo, ISIS, Foreign Policy, cartooning, free speech, cartoonists, jihadis, art criticism, punch down, drones, crosshatching, First Amendment, freedom of expression, Polk Award, Islamic State, Snoopy, Danish Mohammed cartoons, Doones
It Could Never Happen Here
Date: 01/08/2015
Views: 9391
A Good Pro-Life Precedent
Date: 06/27/2014
Views: 9514
Keywords: abortion, clinic, supreme court, Scalia, constitution, Obama, president, life, pro-life, drones, military, protests, free speech, first amendment, death, pro-choice
Democrat-Friendly! New and Improved Caricature of Barack Obama
Date: 12/05/2013
Views: 11118
Keywords: editorial cartooning, caricature, Daily Kos, racism, Obama, racial issues, drawing, cartoons, illustration, smiley face, philogynist, drone, monster, white, black, Democratic Party, Democrats, First Amendment, offensive, controversy
Shooting Spiders
Date: 11/12/2013
Views: 11871
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, guns, Governor Jerry Brown, veto, bill, weapons, brown recluse spiders, shooting, assault rifles, ban, Second Amendment, NRA
Strange Bedfellows
Date: 09/10/2013
Views: 14191
Keywords:, freelance cartoon, NSA, NRA, National Rifle Association, ACLU, American Civil Liberties Union, guvmint, hillbilly, gun nut, Edward Snowden, privacy, Second Amendment, strange bedfellows