Keyword Album: California
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 179 items
Date: 11/28/2012
Views: 15415
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, Proposition 13, California, Sacramento, Democrats, gay marriage, taxes, oil companies, liberals, progressives, environmentalism, fiscal policy, state legislature, supermajority
Arizona Business Grab
Date: 11/20/2012
Views: 14725
Keywords: economic development, business, corporations, CEOs, Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, Arizona, Latinos, ID laws, illegal immigration, racism, nativism, airport, California
GOP Lemonade Stand
Date: 11/13/2012
Views: 10251
Edwin Chau
Date: 11/07/2012
Views: 6914
Lower the Ladder a Little
Date: 10/30/2012
Views: 14324
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, Proposition 187, poll, illegal immigration, Latinos, racism, treehouse, nativism, ladder, native born, California, kids, children, club, KKK
Measure H
Date: 10/29/2012
Views: 7915
Keywords: Pasadena Weekly, Local Cartoon, Measure H, American Beverage Association, campaign spending, signs, printers, sodas, sugary beverages, El Monte, California, taxes
The Leveraged Buyout of the United States
Date: 10/30/2012
Views: 11267
Keywords: Bain Capital, polls, Mitt Romney, 2012 presidential campaign, China, outsourcing, LBOs, leveraged buyout, California, NYC, job creator, vote creator, borrow votes, private equity
Getting Jerry Browned
Date: 10/24/2012
Views: 13183
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, Brad Sherman, Charlie Munger, proposition system, Gov. Jerry Brown, bikes, bicyclists, road safety, California, local cartoon, Arnold Schwarzenegger, sexual harassment, Antonio Villaraigosa
Charles Munger
Date: 10/17/2012
Views: 11460
Keywords: Los Angeles Times, local cartoon, Charles Munger, Jr., Stanford University, physicist, GOP, Republican Party, California, referendum system, Proposition 30, campaign financing, taxes