Keyword Album: LGBT
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 59 items
Date: 12/02/2022
Views: 1906
Keywords:, progress, same-sex marriage, LGBTQ+, gay rights, gay marriage, Joe Biden, poster, churches, exceptions, NGOs, states rights, incrementalism
Date: 11/18/2022
Views: 734
Sanity Is Back
Date: 10/30/2023
Views: 6615
Keywords: Mike Johnson, speaker of the house, sanity, election, denial, abortion, rights, antiabortion, LGBT, anti-gay, theocracy, theocrat, Christian evangelist
No Tattle-Tailing on Trans
Date: 05/31/2023
Views: 8163
Keywords: Transitioning, LGBTQIA+, sexual identity, daughter, son, education, high school, school, rules, teachers, parents, parents rights
Our Diversity Isn't That Diverse
Date: 12/09/2022
Views: 12468
Keywords: Diversity, Protected Classes, People of Color, Race, LGBTQ Plus, Disabled, Handicapped, Prisoners, Ex Convicts, Ex-Cons, Socialists, Non-College Graduates, GED, Communists, Left Wing, Media, Journalism, Reporters
Every Day Is Fundraising Time
Date: 07/15/2022
Views: 10414
Keywords: Mass shooting, fundraising, vote shaming, donation, president Joe Biden, abortion, global warming, climate change, LGBTQ, gay rights, demoralized voters, comet
I Suffered and So Should You
Date: 04/27/2022
Views: 12498
Keywords: Student loans, student loan forgiveness, millennials, young people, credit cards, feminism, women's rights, LGBTQ, gay rights, dating, grinder, online dating, slavery, fairness, bitterness, dinosaurs, extinction, astroid, rape, priests
Date: 04/06/2022
Views: 8435
Keywords: LGBT, trans, transitioning, slavery, empire, democracy, authoritarianism, duopoly, authoritarian, kleptocracy, Direct democracy, militarism, Scandinavia, restroom
The Annals of Woke Progress
Date: 03/02/2022
Views: 14183
Keywords: Affirmative action, woke, tokenism, quarters, laid off, unemployment, transgender, LGBTQ, black, African-American, police, cop, police brutality, pollution, feminism, identity politics, bisexual, congressmen, poverty, homelessness