Keyword Album: Media
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 331 items
Date: 05/14/2021
Views: 11769
Keywords: Martin Niemoller, World War II analogy, Alex Jones, censorship, media, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook, social media, conspiracy theorist, deplatforming, white nationalist, Donald Trump, Facebook jail
The Biden Administration Takes on the Big Issues
Date: 02/26/2021
Views: 12764
Keywords: Joe Biden, Democrat, liberal media, economic collapse, climate change, healthcare crisis, dog, mangy but, censure, Twitter, 9/11 investigation, Capitol Hill investigation prosecution, criminal, New York state investigation, Mar-a-Lago, Melania Trump
Really, Please Feel Free to Abandon Us
Date: 12/23/2020
Views: 10886
Keywords: Afghanistan war, puppet regime, bomb, rape, torture, abuse, drones, abandoned, abandonment, media propaganda, militarism, Afghanistan
What, Exactly, Isn't an American Value?
Date: 11/20/2020
Views: 16987
Keywords: Authoritarianism, dictatorship, anti-Americanism, martial law, coup d'état, Donald Trump, media censorship, hunter Biden, Fox News, torture, capitalism, socialism, freedom, Edward Snowden, NSA, legalize torture, George W. Bush, enhanced interrogation tec
You Can't Be Disappointed If You Don't Have Expectations
Date: 11/11/2020
Views: 8262
Keywords: Barack Obama, Joe Biden, hope and change, high approval ratings, news media, opinion polls, Romneycare, Obamacare, affordable care act, thinktank, sell out, wimp, obstructionism, zero expectations
Whatever Happened to Basic Standards at Newspapers?
Date: 07/06/2020
Views: 11512
Keywords: Media, journalism, Russia, bounties, Taliban, Afghanistan, CIA, reporters, presses, editors, totally happened, lying, lies, anonymous sources, secondhand
Do the Media and Politicians Really Hate Violent Protests?
Date: 06/08/2020
Views: 6005
The Arithmetic of Revolution
Date: 04/13/2020
Views: 6017
America Finds Its Many Churchills
Date: 03/27/2020
Views: 6536