Keyword Album: N
Date: 03/19/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 6673 items
Bernie or Bed
Date: 05/06/2016
Views: 9956
Keywords: #BernieorBust, #BernorBust, 2016 presidential campaign, Bernie Sanders, Democrats, party unity, Hillary Clinton, sleep, bed, voter, apathy, progressives, liberal base
The Once Future Vice President
Date: 05/02/2016
Views: 4842
Pissed Off
Date: 04/25/2016
Views: 10125
Keywords: cis, trans, transgender rights, urinationnation, urination, defecation, scatology, pee, poop, piss, shit, penis, North Carolina, bathroom law, discrimination, bigotry, piss off, pee off, operation diarrhea, restrooms, LGBT, LGBTQA
Bern the Feel
Date: 04/27/2016
Views: 9084
Keywords: voting irregularities, voter purges, voter fraud, 2016 presidential campaign, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, reality check, young voters, idealism, cynicism, Democratic primartes, New York
Date: 04/29/2016
Views: 7581
Keywords: media, Washington Post, qualified, Hillary Clinton, unqualified, Bernie Sanders, 2016 presidential campaign, narrative, framing, dog whistle, sexism
Thank You For Your Suggestion
Date: 04/19/2016
Views: 7346
Keywords: superdelegates, primaries, 2016 presidential campaign, vote, ballot, New York primary, democracy, suggestion, unbound delegates, voters, I voted, sticker, ballot access
Stairway to Copyright Infringement Heaven
Date: 04/20/2016
Views: 8724
Keywords: Led Zeppelin, Taurus, Spirit, rock music, Stairway to Heaven, copyright infringement, trial, Bernie Sanders, 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, banks, Donovan
Suicide Tourism
Date: 04/22/2016
Views: 8556
Keywords: suicide tourism, euthenasia, death, medical issues, health, border, wall, Donald Trump, Mexico, happiness test, hazmat, funeral homes
Where Hope Goes to Die
Date: 04/18/2016
Views: 5605