Keyword Album: N
Date: 03/14/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 6670 items
Army Strong
Date: 08/16/2007
Views: 8528
Keywords: Military, Education, Chemistry, English, Mathematics, Anthropology, Economics, G.E.D., GED, Diploma, Degree, Dropouts
You Killed My Kid
Date: 08/13/2007
Views: 13375
Keywords: Iraq, War, Terror, Terrorism, Kid, Killed, Soldiers, Troops, Military, Congress, Generals, Pentagon, Media, Fearmongering, President, Press
Not That Into You
Date: 08/11/2007
Views: 9008
Keep Your Head Down
Date: 07/09/2007
Views: 9613
Keywords: Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz, China, Pakistan, Pakistanis, Hellhole, India, U.S., United States, Xenophobia, Paranoia, Travel
Bush Reaches Out to Radical Islam
Date: 07/07/2007
Views: 11051
Keywords: Libby, Commute, Commutation, Pardon, Scooter, Cheney, Bush, Administration, Plame, Valerie, CIA, Traitor, Treason, Terror, Osama, bin Laden, Our Man, Islam, Islamists, Radical, Reaches, Enemies, Mercy
Nad Zapper
Date: 07/30/2007
Views: 10237
Keywords: CIA, Secret, Prison, Prisons, Torture, Detainee, Detainees, Muslims, War, Terror, Terrorism, Suspect, Suspects, Semantics, Pleasant, Fun, Geneva, Geneva Conventions
Good Things About the Iraq War
Date: 07/28/2007
Views: 13647
Keywords: Iraq, War, Bush, President, Credit, Starlet, Pixie, Kid, Osama, bin Laden, UBL, OBL, Supernova, Sun, Astronomy, Wedding Party, Cinema, Film, Conflict, Awesome, Beijing, National Debt, Bonds, T-Bills
Masters of Political Oratory
Date: 07/26/2007
Views: 9162
Keywords: Oratory, Rhetoric, Speech, Speeches, Bush, Generalissimo, El Busho, Rebuke, Al Qaeda, Bank, Mask, Robber, Bank Robber, Reject, Zambezi, Crocodile, Alberto Gonzales, Gonzales
Waiting for Petraeus
Date: 07/23/2007
Views: 8593
Keywords: Petraeus, General, Iraq, war, gay, paper, plastic, grocery, supermarket, Bush, bar, angst, existential, existentialism, Sartre