Keyword Album: NDA
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 289 items
Campaign Coverage
Date: 01/25/2016
Views: 6863
Death to the Extremists
Date: 12/10/2015
Views: 10811
Keywords: Obama, ISIS, San Bernadino shootings, Gitmo, Guantanamo, Islamic State, extremism, radicalism, foreign policy, NSA, National Security Agency, agenda, kill
Kunduz 911
Date: 10/14/2015
Views: 12442
Keywords: Kunduz, Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda, Doctors without borders, DWB, MSF, accidental bombing, collateral damage, World Trade Center attacks, 9/11, September 11, weasel, public relations, propaganda
Americans Against Extremism
Date: 07/07/2015
Views: 11572
Keywords: media, Muslims, fundamentalism, moderation, moderates, sellouts, television, TV, Al Jazeera, terrorism, ISIS, torture, drones, Gitmo, Guantanamo, dissidents
Soccer Scandal
Date: 06/02/2015
Views: 7618
Saddam vs. Clown Car
Date: 06/25/2015
Views: 7311
Past Priorities
Date: 06/04/2015
Views: 7624
Keywords: Bernie Sanders, 2016 presidential campaign, essay, controversy, Iraq War, Hillary Clinton, Obama, kindergarten, Benghazi, scandals, media
Right Attacks Hillary From Left
Date: 05/25/2015
Views: 11902
Keywords: Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, 2016 presidential campaign, Richard Nixon, dirty tricks, liberals, Democrats, Republicans, conservatives, social media, Twitter, America Rising, Karl Rove, dupes, Iraq, propaganda
Hillary Is Just Like You
Date: 05/22/2015
Views: 9572
Keywords: 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky scandal, freelance, charm offensive, just like you, open marriage, wealth, Emailgate, Iraq War