Keyword Album: NDA
Date: 03/31/2025
Owner: Guest
Size: 289 items
Things That Were Going to Save Journalism
Date: 04/12/2019
Views: 10763
Keywords: newspapers, press, journalism, Donald Trump, World War propaganda poster, guilt, smart speaker, Alexa, consolidation, Apple News Plus, billionaires, Jeff Bezos, Patrick Soon-Shiong, video, Internet, news, communications, ipad, print
Too Bad They Don't Vet Candidates for the Really Really Awful Things They've Done
Date: 02/22/2019
Views: 4612
New Rule: Either Shut Up or, When Things Go Against You, Keep Talking
Date: 02/11/2019
Views: 7977
Keywords: Justin Fairfax, Virginia, Democrats, hypocrisy, awesome, race, blackface, racism, KKK, Klan, yearbook, scandal, toad, retro-racism, Quaadludes, ludes
Vote Centrist to Keep Things Exactly as Awful as They Are
Date: 02/15/2019
Views: 9673
Keywords: Nazis, Nazism, alternative history, fundamental assumptions, moderation, centrism, slave laborers, meals, identity politics, woman, fuhrer, death camps, ideology, candor, meet the press, chuck todd
Democrats Will Have So Many Excuses Not to Impeach Trump They'll Make Him Look Sane
Date: 01/04/2019
Views: 6241
The Travails of Donald Trump's Hollywood Star
Date: 08/17/2018
Views: 9224
Keywords: Donald Trump, Hollywood Star, Walk of Fame, City Council, Chamber of Commerce, pickax, sledgehammer, vandalism, historical marker, civil war, former united states
Rudy Guiliani Just Triggers a Major Backlash Against Slut-Shaming
Date: 06/20/2018
Views: 7144
Keywords: Rudy Giuliani, Rudolph Giuliani, Donald Trump, porn, porn star, stormy Daniels, fiancée, social status, propaganda, MSNBC, misogyny, disgusting, Mika Brzezinski, Fluffers
I Am Extremely Proud of my Facebook Friends Because They Are Smarter Than Most People
Date: 04/13/2018
Views: 8973
Keywords: Cambridge analytica, Facebook, social media, scandal, Mark Zuckerberg, population, psychological questionnaire, intelligence, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, FOXNews
Given a Choice Between Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels, The White House Would Feel Safer with Stormy in Charge
Date: 03/27/2018
Views: 7973
Keywords: classy, Stormy Daniels, affair, 60 Minutes, Donald Trump, TV, television, interview, hush money, scandal, porn, sex