Keyword Album: Rich
Date: 12/18/2024
Owner: Guest
Size: 109 items
Best System Ever
Date: 04/22/2015
Views: 9736
Sick Dreams
Date: 06/04/2014
Views: 9821
Keywords: New York Times, David Brooks, David Ignatius, Thomas Friedman, Charles Krauthammer, troops, Fareed Zakaria, Richard Cohen, class warfare, media, press, ruling classes, boy, parents, op-ed hacks, newspapers
Tricky Dick Meets the NSA
Date: 02/10/2014
Views: 10936
Keywords: alternative history, Richard Nixon, 2016 presidential election, NSA, National Security Agency, domestic surveillance, spying, drone strikes, drones, assassinations, cabinet, enemies, paranoia
How Capitalism Deals with Inequality
Date: 02/13/2014
Views: 14587
Keywords: capitalism, State of the Union address, Obama, inequality, economics, income, rich, poor, class warfare, poverty, exploitation, homeless, superiority, shoppers, consumerism, guillotine, revolution, progressive tax code, social programs, safety net, regres
Can't Close that Camp
Date: 02/08/2014
Views: 10138
Keywords: Godwin, Nazi Germany, Heinrich Himmler, Reichfuhrer, Nazis, World War II, Guantanamo, Auschwitz, concentration camp, Congress, Reichstag, Republicans, argue, say something, see something, war on terror
Helpful Assistants
Date: 08/01/2013
Views: 14409
Keywords: Jerry Sandusky, Penn State scandal, pedophilia, sex crimes, rape, abuse, sexual abuse, Harrisburg Patriot-News, local cartoon, King Henry II, Thomas Becket, Rosemary Woods, Richard Nixon, Watergate, Gary Schulz, Kimberly Belcher, perverts, pervs, Iran-Con
Ten Years into the Iraq War
Date: 03/22/2013
Views: 10680
Keywords: Paul Wolfowitz, neoconservatives, Doug Feith, Richard Perle, Thomas Friedman, Colin Powell, WMDs, Iraq, war, Saddam Hussein, Al Qaeda, war on terror, Bush, Cheney, American Enterprise Institute, Center for National Security Strategies, CIA, Pentagon, thin
The First Step
Date: 11/21/2012
Views: 12196
Keywords: GOP, Republican Party, election results, defeat, racism, bigotry, private club, whites, males, rich, 1%ers, Republican Club, AA, 12-step program, first step, homophobia, Latinos, illegal immigration, women's rights, feminism, sexism, Ronald Reagan
Rape as God's Will
Date: 10/27/2012
Views: 10771
Keywords: rape, Mitt Romney, rapists, Fallopian tube, violence, crime, law and order, zygote, sperm, Republican Party, women's rights, women's issues, science, religion, God, Richard Mourdock